Vincent pandora hearts
Vincent pandora hearts

vincent pandora hearts

He will just lose himself deep within his thoughts until someone brings him back down to earth usually Alice by kicking him or something like that. His heart is clenching deep in his chest from the pain but he can’t bare to say a thing. It bothers him, greatly so but even then he will not say anything. Gilbert will see then just how well s/o’s getting along with Oz and how they can’t help but to laugh at his corny jokes and shower him with endless affection. Whenever he and s/o go out somewhere someone is bound to tag along, usually either Oz or Alice. He’ll try telling himself that this is nothing, that he will get over what he is feeling.But this won’t last long though as self doubt will begin to cloud Gilbert’s better judgment and he will begin to see just how much time s/o is spending with Oz and how little with him. At first he didn’t pay much attention to it since Gilbert knew that Oz was just a very charming and funny person who was easy to get along with. Therefore he wasn’t too shocked to see that his s/o got along well with Oz. His darling is the complete opposite of him, kind, gentle and bubbly. Gilbert was never exactly confident in himself and most of the time he wonders how on earth was he able to charm his s/o to be in a relationship with him.Yandere yandere x reader yandere x you yandere imagines yandere headcanons yandere pandora hearts yandere pandora hearts x reader pandora hearts x reader pandora hearts vincent nightray vincent nightray x reader yandere vincent nightray x reader yandere vincent nightray All he wants to do is to protect them in the end but what he fails it realize is that s/o needs to be protected away from him. He’s a greedy man when it comes to love and he is ready to devour his lover if need be. For Vincent it’s only a matter of time before he just snaps and takes what is rightfully his. It will start out small like holding hands or a cheeky kiss but very quickly his affection will become a lot more dark and at some point he really won’t be able to keep his hands to himself. He will spoil his darling beyond belief with not only gifts but with affection too.Hell if he feels like it he could ruin their life in less then five minutes. Unlike his brother though, he isn’t afraid of stepping up and calling someone out. Why won’t s/o just love him already?! He is becoming desperate, more and more needy as the jealousy boils deep inside him as he angrily watches anyone who dares to approach his s/o.

vincent pandora hearts

At some point though cracks will begin to form within Vincent’s facade as the days pass and his patience runs thinner and thinner. He’ll brush off the rumours with a smile but he won’t ever actually deny them. People will start to notice just how much time he spends with s/o and just how much care and attention he gives them. No one will suspect a thing for a good while but even Vincent has his limits.He’s his usual sneaky but charming self in order not to arouse any suspicion but in the shadows or when no one is looking, Vincent’s gentle smile disappears and is replaced with a hungry, downright wolfish grin and his eyes glint with pure hunger for his darling, and his darling only. At first he will casually act around his darling and treat them the same way he treats everyone.

vincent pandora hearts

  • Vincent would most definetly be a very obsessive man over his darling but he would never show it.

  • Vincent pandora hearts